Trash Odor Filter (TrOFi)

Indonesia with a very high population growth, coupled with the increasing number of shelters scattered in various regions and cities in Indonesia can not be separated from the amount of waste generated. Not to mention the proliferation of factories and supermarkets that almost exist in every region, making the production of garbage is increasing. The problem of waste, is inseparable from a city or area. As population growth increases, of course, will affect the use and consumption needs of people who continue to soar. The waste produced can itself be household waste and industry

Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, amounting to approximately 260 million people. The number of residents is correlated with the amount of waste generated. Within a year, the people of Indonesia can produce up to 64 million tons of garbage per year, while 60% of the waste is organic waste. The enormous amount is not matched by good management. Most of the waste is actually transported and dumped in the landfill. Dumping waste within a certain time period will produce a foul odor.

Based on the above problems, Graciela Natalia Chandra and Mirna Theresia Eka from SMAN 3 Yogyakarta made a very useful tool for Indonesian people named Trash Odor Filter (TrOFI) thanks to this work they became one of the finalists in the national Young Inventor Award held by the institution Science Indonesia
Based on the above problems, Graciela Natalia Chandra and Mirna Theresia Eka from SMAN 3 Yogyakarta made a very useful tool for Indonesian people named Trash Odor Filter (TrOFI) thanks to this work they became one of the finalists in the national Young Inventor Award held by the institution Science of Indonesia.

according to his research, the stench of garbage is caused by Hydrogen Sulfide gas (H2S). The stench is certainly disturbing the community around the landfill. Therefore, their researchers want to create a tool that can reduce the smell of waste in the air is to break the compound H2S into 2H + and 2e- ions and become solid Sulfure, by high voltage and bind the ion with the electrode. Meanwhile, activated carbon will help adsorb smells and clean the air content of harmful substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO). So hopefully this tool can reduce the problems caused by organic waste and made the the air around becomes clean and odorless

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