Utilization of Baby Diaper Waste as Anti-Drought Soil Substituent


The use of disposable diapers that are widely sold in the market is very useful for making it easier for mothers to take care of their babies so that they do not require a long time and are efficient and easy to carry causing disposable diapers to be easily accepted as an alternative to ordinary pants in absorbing baby urine. However, the use of disposable diapers causes serious environmental problems, including the waste from the diapers themselves, analogous to the analogy that in a day a baby defecates 3 times with a diaper waste weight of about 0.25 kilograms. At least the diaper waste from a baby for 1 year is around 270. kilograms of the outer layer of the diaper is made of synthetic material that is able to withstand the leakage of liquid which is difficult to degrade by soil bacteria and the inner layer is designed to have high absorption so that it easily absorbs rainwater so that diaper waste is relatively difficult to burn.

Baby diapers use chemical plastics and cotton which decompose afterward 200-500 years, even other sources say baby diapers are not biodegradable. During its lifetime, a baby needs 6,000 disposable diapers up to three years of age and the number of live births based on the 2004 population census is 4.4 million. If it is assumed that all babies use disposable diapers, then the baby’s diaper waste reaches approximately 26 billion diapers. This figure is very clear that it can damage and harm the environment. From the data (Surya daily, October 13, 2013) that the main contributors to river pollution are plastic waste and diaper waste baby.

The location of Indonesia which is located near the equator makes Indonesia a hot climate which makes it prone to drought. In addition, the location of Indonesia which is located between two oceans causes Indonesia’s climate to be influenced by climate movements caused by movements in the temperature of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The two activities of the movement of sea surface temperature have resulted in two climatic symptoms, namely the positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and El Nino. These two symptoms are strong causes of drought in Indonesia (Liong Et All, 2013).

In general, drought can be interpreted as a condition of water shortage in an area for a long period of time due to lack of rainfall (Hadianto, 2007). When this condition occurs on agricultural land, which causes a shortage of water supply needed by plants to grow so that it interferes with the growth process, it is called agricultural drought (White, 1990). Drought is a threat that most often disrupts agricultural production and systems in Indonesia, especially food crops. In recent years, drought has not only increased in extent and intensity, but also in the impact and distribution of areas affected by drought. Based on the above problems, something is needed that can solve the problem of drought and overcome the problem of baby diaper waste in Indonesia

1. To find out the advantages of using anti-drought soil with baby diaper waste substituents
2. Shows the making of media and planting test plants on drought-resistant soil
3. To find out the yield of plants planted in ordinary soil with anti-drought soil which is given baby diaper substituents
Tools and Materials
1.  Water Bottle
2. Markers
3. Scissors
4. Knife
5. Beaker glass 500 ml
6. Documentation / camera
1. Baby Diapers
2. Dry Soil
3. Water
1. Baby diapers are separated between the plastic part and the cloth part
2 The baby diaper is cut into small pieces then mashed with a cutting tool to smooth the cloth and a pounder to smooth the gel
3. A total of 9 bottles of 1.5 liter mineral water cut into ¾ pieces
4. Each of the three bottles is labeled A, B and C
5. Bottles labeled A are labeled A1, A2 and A3, as well as label B, labeled B1, B2 and B3, and bottle C is labeled C1, C2 and C3
6. Container A is filled with dry soil with a volume of approximately 900 ml using a beaker
7.Container B is filled with 800 ml of dry soil and 100 ml of baby diaper waste which has been pulverized using a beaker.
8. Container C is filled with 600 ml of dry soil and 300 ml of refined baby diaper waste
9. In each container, 3 seeds of corn are planted
10. The experiment was observed starting the plant growing until one of the plants in the container died


A. Advantages of Using Anti-Drought Soil With Waste Substituents Baby diapers

In this study, using the main ingredients of baby diaper waste obtained from landfills in the area where the author of Lowayu Village, Dukun Gresik, used baby diaper waste and plastic as the main waste in society today. In addition, the author’s village is also a village where there is a lot of dry land which can only be planted during the rainy season because the soil structure is very dry and porous or what is often called rainfed fields. This research is expected to be able to provide solutions for farmers and communities around the author in particular and the wider community in general who experience similar problems with the soil and waste around them. In addition to providing benefits to farmers because the land can be planted in the dry season, this land can also solve the problem of waste, especially waste baby diaper waste which is used more and more in rural communities

A total of 1 kg of baby diaper waste is cleaned and separated from the plastic part, the cotton part is then dried in the sun for approximately 2-3 days depending on the hot level of the sun in order to get a dry and dry diaper easy to puree, besides that the drier the baby diapers that are used will store more water and will be easier to smooth later

B. Making Media and Planting Test Plants on Anti-Drought Soil

To make this drought-resistant soil, baby diapers cutters and polishes are used and practical planting media using dry soil in the author’s village area. A total of 9 bottles of 1.5 ml mineral water were cut into approximately ¾ parts and the top was discarded to be made as a planting medium, the bottom of the bottle is perforated as a place for water to come out.

Baby diapers that have been dry are then cut into pieces to smooth the cotton and the gel in them, after which a planting medium is prepared in the form of dry soil which is placed in a mineral water bottle. Each planting medium is labeled as follows. Label A (A1, A2 and A3) contains 900 ml of pure dry soil without the addition of baby diapers, this planting medium was used as a control. Label B (B1, B2 and B3) is a mixture of dry soil and baby diapers with a volume ratio (800 ml of dry soil) and 100 ml of pureed baby diapers. Whereas on label C (C1, C2 and C3) is a mixture of dry soil with baby diapers with a ratio (600 ml of soil and 300 ml of baby diapers). After the plant media are all ready, 5 corn kernels are planted in each container, from the 5 seeds planted, only 3 plants will be selected. which is approximately uniform in size, so that it can be used as a comparison between plants. All containers in all labels are each poured with 500 ml of water at the time of planting, and are not watered again, starting to grow until they wither and die.

C. Crop Results Using Anti-Drought Soil Media

After about 14 days the corn plant grows and can be observed its development. On the 15th day we count as the first day or the first day observation. On the first day of observation the plants grew as usual

On the 7th day of observation, there was a slight difference, it appeared that A was bigger and greener than B and C, this was because on label A the maize plants were optimally absorbing water in the soil. Meanwhile, labels B and C still have not used the water in the soil optimally This is because it is still stored in the baby’s diaper gel

On the 14th day of observation, the difference between plants A and B and C was seen, plants A had started to wither, while B was withered, while the corn with the label was not visible yet, this shows that the water that is stored in corn with label A started to run out, while on label B had started to decrease

On the 21st day, observations showed that corn labeled A had all died while corn with only corn was wilted and none had died, while corn labeled C had no corn which showed signs of wilting and was relatively fresh compared to corn in labels A and B. This shows that the corn labeled C can still store water for a relatively longer time because the gel composition in the baby’s diaper is relatively higher than that of B and is more able to hold water than the soil that is not gelled on. baby diapers (label A).


1. Baby diaper waste which has been a problem so far can be overcome as a substituent for anti-drought soil, because in addition to overcoming the problem of waste, this anti-drought soil overcomes the problem of drought on agricultural land

2.To carry out this anti-drought soil test, three different treatments were used, namely soil label A as a control in the form of 900 ml dry soil, label B soil used a soil ratio of 800 ml and baby diapers 100 ml, while label C used a ratio of 600 ml of soil and diapers. baby 300 ml

3. The experimental results show that on the 18th day of observation, plants that do not use the baby diaper mixture have started to die (label A), while on day 18 21 all the plants that did not use the mixture of babies had died completely (label A), while those that used a small ratio (label B) were partly wilted, while those labeled C with the composition of a mixture of baby diapers that were relatively high still did not show signs of wilting.